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Summarized Monetary Survey

Unit Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024
Net Foreign Assets EC$M 12,774.37 12,939.73 13,396.33 13,412.61 13,383.53
Claims On Non-Residents EC$M 15,199.21 15,370.71 15,724.34 15,738.62 15,670.27
Central Bank Claims On Non-Residents EC$M 5,222.69 5,266.97 5,222.94 5,103.59 5,103.59
Other Depository Corporations (Commercial Banks) Claims On Non-Residents EC$M 9,976.52 10,103.75 10,501.40 10,635.02 10,566.67
Liabilities To Non-Residents EC$M 2,424.84 2,430.98 2,328.01 2,326.01 2,286.74
Central Bank Liabilities To Non-Residents EC$M 78.32 81.00 77.97 81.27 81.27
Other Depository Corporations (Commercial Banks) Liabilities To Non-Residents EC$M 2,346.52 2,349.99 2,250.04 2,244.74 2,205.47
Net Domestic Assets EC$M 7,355.40 7,503.92 7,279.13 7,156.28 7,359.37
Domestic Claims EC$M 11,255.84 11,257.43 11,226.05 11,229.66 11,350.44
Net Claims On General Government EC$M -1,498.13 -1,500.83 -1,571.84 -1,617.53 -1,545.16
Claims On General Government EC$M 2,799.11 2,804.65 2,818.59 2,817.90 2,785.58
From Central Bank EC$M 299.67 297.26 275.27 265.41 265.41
From Other Depository Corporations EC$M 2,499.44 2,507.39 2,543.32 2,552.49 2,520.17
Liabilities To General Government EC$M 4,297.24 4,305.48 4,390.43 4,435.42 4,330.74
Claims On Other Sectors EC$M 12,753.97 12,758.26 12,797.89 12,847.19 12,895.61
Claims On Other Financial Corporations (NBFI) EC$M 484.22 410.91 395.30 400.02 408.38
Claims On Public Non-Financial Corporations EC$M 491.30 521.04 524.42 518.76 506.65
Claims On Private Sector EC$M 11,778.45 11,826.31 11,878.17 11,928.41 11,980.58
Claims On Other Non-Financial Corporations (Business Credit) EC$M 4,218.54 4,227.34 4,229.24 4,240.41 4,292.25
Claims On Other Resident Sectors (Households and Non-Profit Institutions) EC$M 7,559.91 7,598.97 7,648.93 7,688.01 7,688.33
Other Items (Net) EC$M -3,900.43 -3,753.52 -3,946.92 -4,073.38 -3,991.07
Broad Money Liabilities (M2) EC$M 20,129.77 20,443.64 20,675.43 20,568.88 20,742.90
Narrow Money (M1) EC$M 7,325.86 7,478.12 7,554.50 7,485.81 7,517.33
Currency Outside Depository Corporations EC$M 1,251.97 1,271.88 1,297.46 1,280.60 1,290.87
Currency Issued By Central Bank (Currency In Circulation) EC$M 1,560.14 1,570.07 1,572.45 1,585.56 1,585.56
Less Holdings Of National Currency By Odc (Commercial Banks) EC$M 308.18 298.19 274.99 304.96 294.70
Transferable Deposits, In National Currency EC$M 6,073.89 6,206.24 6,257.04 6,205.20 6,226.46
Quasi Money EC$M 12,803.91 12,965.53 13,120.93 13,083.08 13,225.57
Other Deposits, In National Currency EC$M 9,411.62 9,461.50 9,546.45 9,565.24 9,632.09
Foreign Currency Deposits EC$M 3,392.29 3,504.03 3,574.48 3,517.83 3,593.48
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