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STAR Mantra

S.T.A.R. - What Does It Mean?

S.T.A.R. - Service-Excellence, Teamwork and Truth Telling, Accountability, Results - is our mantra and ECCB’s new way of doing business. 

Our mantra is a celebration of our core values; a change in our culture; and a clarion call to collective action to all who work at the ECCB.

It is inspired by necessity, energised by creativity and motivated by opportunity.
What does S.T.A.R. look like and how do we conduct ourselves?
Service Excellence:
  1. We are public servants.
  2. We delight in serving our region.
  3. We understand that "everyone can be great because everyone can serve".
    (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Teamwork and Truth Telling: 
  1. We understand and embrace our role and add value to Team ECCB each day.
  2. We work together so we can win together.
  3. We help each other to get the job done.
  1. We are accountable and perform best when we are held accountable.
  2. We take responsibility for our actions and own our mistakes.
  3. We communicate clearly and consistently about our progress on our strategic priorities and agreed targets and take prompt corrective action when necessary.
  1. We understand, it is not what we say that counts, it is what we do.
  2. We are judged by our actions not our words.
  3. We do not make excuses.
  4. We show courage, lean into problems and find solutions.
  5. We get the job done.
  6. We celebrate our results
The Three Declarations
Team ECCB will adopt a growth mindset and will be:
  1. Competent yet caring
  2. Prudent but proactive
  3. Imaginative and Industrious

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together".

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ECCB@40 Commemorative Magazine