The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Children’s Connection Radio Programme is aired throughout the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) – Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The programme is aired once per month on ten (10) radio stations throughout the ECCB member countries and targets children aged 5-12. Additionally, in some member countries, the radio stations live stream the programme on Facebook, augmenting the reach and allowing for perpetuity on social media.
While there are various children’s radio programmes on the airwaves in the ECCB member countries, the ECCB Children’s Connection Programme is, thus far, the only one of its kind. Its main objectives are to develop the youth’s understanding of everyday financial and economic issues and their overall personal development. In some cases, the ECCB piggybacks on existing children’s programmes; however, we have also introduced a children’s programme on some stations.
The 30-minute live radio programme comprises the principal lesson, a “Value Lesson” component and a learning and retention segment which allows listeners to call in and win prizes. The information is delivered in an interactive and captivating way using various tools including: stories, games and poetry. To help with grabbing the target audience, the Value Lesson is introduced in a fun way by the “Wise Owl” fondly called, “Owliver”.
The ECCB Children’s Connection Radio Programme is captured under the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance pillar of the Bank’s Strategic Plan. This pillar represents the Bank’s effort to be a model, advocate and influencer for environmentally and socially responsive action for sustainable development in the ECCU. In line with the Bank’s corporate social responsibility efforts under this pillar, the hosts selected for the programme were carefully considered to ensure that they were able to effectively engage the target audience and adequately present the material to obtain the desired impact based on the objectives of the programme. They all have experience working with children and the media.
The radio stations on which the programme is aired are as follows:
Radio Station(s)
Radio Anguilla
Antigua and Barbuda
Observer Radio
Commonwealth of Dominica
DBS Radio, Q95 FM
ZJB Radio
Saint Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis
Freedom FM, ZIZ Radio and VON Radio
Saint Lucia
The Wave Radio
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
NBC Radio
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