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Number And Amount Of Loan Accounts By Size


Number and Amount of Loan Accounts by Size

Country: Time frequency: Annual Reference period: 2019 to 2023
Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Credit Accounts - Up to 5K No. --- 51,880 67,499 63,768 65,364
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 5K to 25K No. --- 41,030 41,938 36,427 41,290
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 25K to 50K No. --- 10,542 10,782 15,426 12,987
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 50K to 100K No. 9,677 10,106 9,327 10,501 9,325
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 100K to 200K No. --- 8,095 8,135 8,149 8,173
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 200K to 500K No. --- 9,529 9,997 10,014 10,027
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 500K to 1,000K No. 2,142 6,974 2,383 2,470 2,559
Number of Credit Accounts - Over 1,000K No. 1,089 1,128 1,196 1,233 1,323
NUMBER OF CREDIT ACCOUNTS - TOTAL No. 139,611 139,284 151,257 147,988 151,048
Amount of Credit Accounts - Up to 5K EC$M --- 213.98 54.72 65.13 68.02
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 5K to 25K EC$M --- 840.04 470.17 461.58 484.75
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 25K to 50K EC$M --- 455.71 377.51 385.71 424.19
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 50K to 100K EC$M 691.24 809.47 665.01 646.63 663.98
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 100K to 200K EC$M --- 1,123.06 1,182.17 1,170.56 1,174.82
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 200K to 500K EC$M --- 2,761.99 3,105.43 3,111.32 3,122.51
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 500K to 1,000K EC$M 1,413.62 1,700.00 1,580.77 1,639.56 1,704.56
Amount of Credit Accounts - Over 1,000K EC$M 5,321.70 5,514.82 6,148.52 6,354.09 6,652.82
AMOUNT OF CREDIT ACCOUNTS - TOTAL EC$M 12,688.14 13,419.08 13,584.29 13,834.57 14,295.65
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