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Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's Statement Of Assets And Liabilities


Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Country: Time frequency: Monthly Reference period: Jan 2024 to May 2024
Unit Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024
Total External Assets (International Reserves) EC$M 5,222.27 5,266.55 5,222.51 5,103.17 5,103.17
Fixed & Call Deposits EC$M 888.51 743.38 740.85 715.30 715.30
Securities EC$M 4,252.99 4,359.96 4,314.06 4,232.09 4,232.09
Foreign Notes, Coins and Balances EC$M 80.69 163.12 167.46 155.71 155.71
Other External Assets EC$M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Claims on Central Government EC$M 297.56 295.27 272.55 263.43 263.43
Local Govt Debentures EC$M 215.42 210.86 210.55 209.86 209.86
Local Treasury Bills EC$M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Loans and Advances EC$M 82.15 84.40 62.00 53.58 53.58
Other Claims EC$M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Assets EC$M 294.22 296.57 288.72 320.16 320.16
LIABILITIES EC$M 5,814.05 5,858.39 5,783.79 5,686.76 5,686.76
Total Demand Liabilities EC$M 5,498.92 5,539.28 5,463.46 5,404.22 5,404.22
Currency in Circulation EC$M 1,560.14 1,570.07 1,572.44 1,585.55 1,585.55
Bankers Reserves EC$M 2,923.94 2,977.17 2,891.43 2,743.18 2,743.18
Bankers Fixed Deposits EC$M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Due to Banks EC$M 136.68 136.55 136.96 134.07 134.07
Foreign Liabilities EC$M 79.31 81.98 78.95 82.25 82.25
Other Demand Liabilities EC$M 798.85 773.52 783.68 859.17 859.17
General Reserves EC$M 134.89 134.89 214.29 134.89 134.89
Other Liabilities EC$M 180.24 184.22 106.03 147.65 147.65
Net International Reserves EC$M 5,144.37 5,185.97 5,144.97 5,022.33 5,022.33
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