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Total Public Sector Debt

Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Central Government Debt EC$M 12,456.08 13,592.02 14,563.49 15,070.01 ---
Central Government Domestic Debt EC$M 5,657.53 6,194.84 6,302.29 6,528.51 ---
Central Government External Debt EC$M 6,798.55 7,397.18 8,261.20 8,541.51 ---
Public Corporation Debt EC$M 1,558.07 1,582.48 1,675.29 1,646.16 ---
Public Corporation Domestic Debt EC$M 1,074.08 1,096.54 1,090.34 1,074.98 ---
Public Corporation External Debt EC$M 483.99 485.94 584.95 571.18 ---
Public Sector Debt EC$M 14,014.15 15,174.50 16,238.78 16,716.18 ---
Public Sector Domestic Debt EC$M 6,731.61 7,291.38 7,392.63 7,603.49 ---
Public Sector External Debt EC$M 7,282.54 7,883.12 8,846.15 9,112.69 ---

ECCU Ministries of Finance and the ECCB

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ECCB@40 Commemorative Magazine