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Meetings and Events


The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) recognise the importance of good corporate governance and is committed to ensuring that this attribute is preserved in its operations. 

The Bank’s Corporate Governance Framework is upheld by the following pillars: 

  • Firm foundation for management and oversight;
  • Proactive and sound risk management and internal control;
  • Integrity in financial reporting;
  • Code of Conduct that endorses ethical values; and
  • Reciprocal relationship with stakeholders.

The Corporate Governance Framework is guided by the following:

  • The ECCB Agreement Act, 1983 (as amended) and the Banking Act, 2015;
  • The corporate governance principles for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS);
  • The legal and regulatory framework of the ECCU member countries; and
  • Best practices in the local and international arena.

The framework seeks to promote accountability; ensure that appropriate control systems are developed and are operationalised to address associated risks; and to foster innovation through critical thinking and problem solving in pursuit of the Bank’s objectives.  

Meetings of the Monetary Council 

Article 7 (2) of the ECCB Agreement states, “The Council shall meet not less than twice each [calendar] year to receive from the Governor the Bank’s report on monetary and credit conditions and to provide directives and guidelines on matters of monetary and credit policy to the Bank and for such other purposes as are prescribed under this Agreement.” 

Meetings of the Board of Directors

The Board is required to meet as often as the business of the Bank may require; but not less than once every three (3) calendar months. During any given year, the Board convenes four (4) meetings. Five Directors at any meeting constitutes a quorum.  

Within the governance framework, six (6) subcommittees assist with the work of the Board:

  • Board Audit and Risk Committee
  • Board Investment Committee
  • Board Budget and Human Resources Committee
  • Pension Fund Trustees Committee
  • Pension Fund Investment Committee
  • Joint Pension Fund and Investment Committee

Consultative and Networking Meetings

The ECCB also engages its stakeholders through Consultative and Networking meetings. Some Networking and Consultative meetings are held biannually while others are held on an annual basis.  The meetings are at an individual institution level allowing for institution-based lessons learnt to be shared; and framed responses that could be used at both the national and regional levels.

Consultative Meetings

  • Meeting of the Regulatory Oversight Committee
  • Meeting with ECCU Financial Secretaries
  • Meeting with Licenced Financial Institutions
  • Joint Meeting with Attorneys General and Chief Parliamentary Counsels
  • Meeting with ECCU Development Banks 

Networking Meetings

  • Joint Meeting with Comptrollers of Inland Revenue and Customs 
  • Meeting with ECCU Directors of Social Security Systems 
  • Joint Meeting with Accountants General, Directors of Audit and Directors of Budget 
  • Meeting with ECCU Directors of Statistics 
  • Meeting of the Regional Debt Coordinating Committee 
  • Annual Meeting with ECCU Chief/Commissioners of Police 
  • Meeting with ECCU Heads of Policy and Economic Units 
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ECCB@40 Commemorative Magazine