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Consumer Price Index (Base Year 2019)


Consumer Price Index (Base Year 2019)

Country: Time frequency: Quarterly Reference period: Dec 2022 to Dec 2023
Unit Dec 2022 Mar 2023 Jun 2023 Sep 2023 Dec 2023
Inflation Rate - end of period % 1.80 -0.05 2.38 1.36 -0.42
Inflation Rate - period average % 1.33 0.21 3.09 1.00 -0.80
All Items Index 114.57 114.51 117.24 118.83 118.33
Food And Non-Alcoholic Beverages Index 121.67 121.66 123.72 125.41 125.57
Alcohol Beverages, Tobacco And Narcotics Index 115.99 116.47 120.32 119.15 120.51
Clothing And Footware Index 124.93 129.35 130.27 131.14 134.03
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, And Other Fuels Index 98.96 99.01 98.89 100.13 102.97
Furnishing, Household Equipment And Routine Household Maintenance Index 128.66 137.83 133.87 136.47 132.80
Health Index 103.67 102.63 108.24 103.27 111.25
Transport Index 126.27 117.94 123.53 126.15 115.49
Communication Index 122.14 125.47 137.65 137.65 142.96
Recreation And Culture Index 89.52 88.98 90.20 87.94 87.47
Education Index 99.88 99.88 99.88 100.20 100.20
Restaurants And Hotels Index 113.39 113.61 121.51 129.71 123.51
Miscellaneous Goods And Services Index 123.31 124.38 127.19 129.38 129.82

Central Statistical Offices of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB).

For more information on the CPI see the Consumer Price Index Manual, Concepts and Methods, 2020

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